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How to Find Computer Name in Windows 11 (All Ways)

The computer name (also known as Hostname) is used to identify the device on BlueTooth, Hostsopt, and other connections.

It seems that you’ve arbitrarily set the computer name while configuring Windows 11 and now you need the computer’s name to perform some specific task on your device. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to find the hostname/computer name in Windows 11:

Step 1: Open the Windows Settings from the Start menu or press the “Windows Logo key + R” key combination on the keyboard.

Step 2: Select the “System” tab from the left sidebar, scroll and click the “About” option.

click the about button at the bottom in system tab in windows settings
“About” Button in the”System” tab in Windows Settings

Step 3: You’ll find the computer name listed after “Device Name” on the right side.

computer name visible in device specifications section in about window
Computer Name Visible in Device Specifications Section

Step 1: In the Start menu, search for “View Advanced System Settings” and hit the enter key.

Step 2: The “System Properties” pop-up window will appear. Click the “Computer Name” tab from the top bar and you’ll find the “Full Computer Name“.

click the computer name tab from top bar and the full computer name will be visible
Advanced System Settings > “Computer” Tab > Full Computer Name

Step 1: In the start menu, search for Registry Editor and open it or press the “Windows logo key + R” key combination on the keyboard and hit the enter key.

registry editor icon in windows 11
Registry Editor Icon

Step 2: Navigate to the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName and you’ll find the current computer name in the “Data” Column of the row named “ComputerName“.

navigate to computer name registry key to find computer name in windows
Computer Name Key/Value Pair in Registry

Method 1: Using the “Host Name” Command

Step 1: Run the Command Prompt/PowerShell as an administrator from the Start menu.

Step 2: To check the current PC Name, type the command: “hostname” (without quotation marks).

hostname - command to find computer name in command prompt or powershell
Command To Find Computer Name in CMD/PowerShell

Method 2: Using the “System Info” Command

Step 1: Run the Command Prompt/PowerShell as an administrator from the Start menu.

Step 2: Type the command: “systeminfo” and hit the enter key. You’ll find the computer name displayed on the right side of the “Host Name“.

systeminfo - system infomation command to find computer name using cmd or powershell
systeminfo” Command

Note: You can also use the following command to find the computer name specifically, without other information:
systeminfo | find “Host Name:”

systeminfo-find-string-system infomation command to specifically find computer name using cmd or powershell
“systeminfo | findstr” Command

Step 1: In the start menu, search for “System Information” and hit the enter key.

system information app icon in windows
System Configuration Icon

Step 2: In the “System Summary” tab, you’ll find the computer name displayed next to “System Name“.

system name visible in system summary section in system information
System Summary > System Name

How to change the computer name in Windows?

Yes, the computer name can be changed in Windows. To change the computer name, go to Windows Settings, select the “System” tab from the left sidebar, click the “About” button, click the “Rename this PC” button on the top, set the desired computer name and restart the PC to make changes take effect.

Suggested Article: How To Rename Computer in Windows 11.

Next Steps

We’ve covered how to find the computer name Windows 11. You can use any one of the methods listed above. In case, you no longer require your current computer name, you can simply change it (as explained in the FAQs section of this article).

Further, customize and improve your device’s default settings by following the related articles below.

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